Kilburn, situated in North-West London, is a patch of land spanning three boroughs, Camden, Brent and Westminster. Kilburn has many different identities and voices. Kilburn is a welcoming neighbourhood that has evolved into a multicultural realm, where diverse identities intersect amidst a backdrop of constant change.  

The use of the word Museum is a provocation that challenges traditional notions of institutionalised spaces. The addition of Lab suggests that museums can be participated self-determined entities that prioritize what is valuable and meaningful to their respective communities.

By documenting and celebrating the diverse narratives that shape our community, the Kilburn Museum Lab seeks to engage the community actively, fostering understanding and appreciation for our cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity, and sharing the myriads of hidden stories that contribute to shaping our collective sense of place.

The Kilburn Museum is a cultural space with a strong community focus, dedicated to positively influencing Kilburn’s social fabric. It serves as an agent for change to empower collective ownership of cultural heritage and shape future outcomes.

The museum is a work in progress, devoid of a fixed plan or plot, evolving with the collective vision of its community.

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>Camden Kilburn Library
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︎︎︎ SHAPE Involve and Engage: unearthing the people’s history of Kilburn
︎︎︎Interior Architecture students explore Kilburn’s hidden stories in latest phase of innovative community and Middlesex University project

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              KILBURN MUSEUM LAB


The catalogue, which mirrors the exhibition that was held at the Tin Tbaernacle on the 22nd of June 2024,is a collection of objects, images, and stories. It also includes a song that has purposefully been written for the Kilburn Museum Lab event on the 22nd of June (see Stevon The Well Wisher).

In each of the Past and Present sections, there are components of the Archive (photographs, documents and art pieces shared with the Kilburn Museum Lab), Contributions (short articles specially written for this project) and Interviews (with Kilburn-ers who shared their stories). These interviews showcase some of the key players in the Kilburn community, and their stories are included in the Past or Present sections based on the content of their narrative.

Additionally, the exhibition also includes a dedicated space on the Future, a call for ideas and wishes about the future of Kilburn and the continuation of the work of the Kilburn Museum Lab with a particular focus on what is missing.

The project encompassed different phases and activities. Throughout October and the first half of November, we conducted preparatory activities aimed at engaging the community, fostering connections, and laying the groundwork. We personalized invitations to encourage collaboration and inclusion, while gathering materials and documents.

In November and December of 2023, we hosted two community-focused workshops. The first one, Contribute, focused on gathering materials for the Kilburn Museum Lab. The second workshop, Curate, facilitated discussions on the curation of a neighbourhood museum.

In January, I conducted a three-week workshop at the Tin Tabernacle, working with second year Interior Architecture students from Middlesex University, to conceptualise and design the museum. Subsequently, students engaged with community members at the Kiln Theatre, and refined their ideas and designs for the June 22nd event.

Kilburn Museum Lab has also spurred the creation of other projects, such as Collect!, focused on reusing plastic bottle tops, 3DScan x Kilburn (the images of objects in this publication are from the 3d scans) and the MDX+KML Residency, in addition to this catalogue, all of which have received support from Middlesex University (details at xy).

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Add here some images for archive, all landscape
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Facilisis fermentum id ante et pretium. Nunc posuere condimentum nulla, ac eleifend justo egestas vitae. Nam commodo, diam vel facilisis tincidunt, ipsum sem tristique massa, et sagittis lectus felis quis ante. Praesent tempor neque eget augue imperdiet.

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Integer viverra tellus ac lorem interdum consectetur. Duis condimentum dui a libero mattis, at convallis ex dignissim. Sed egestas ut eros non bibendum. Suspendisse sit amet rhoncus ligula, ac commodo leo. Sed augue risus, maximus sed nisi ac, auctor sollicitudin nisi. Nunc rhoncus.

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Suspendisse feugiat mauris sed turpis tempor, eu mollis metus faucibus. Nullam euismod ex velit, quis varius justo consequat id. Suspendisse nec enim aliquam, pulvinar ligula quis, finibus arcu. Vestibulum quis lacus eget nulla luctus condimentum.]

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