Kilburn, situated in North-West London, is a patch of land spanning three boroughs, Camden, Brent and Westminster. Kilburn has many different identities and voices. Kilburn is a welcoming neighbourhood that has evolved into a multicultural realm, where diverse identities intersect amidst a backdrop of constant change.  

The use of the word Museum is a provocation that challenges traditional notions of institutionalised spaces. The addition of Lab suggests that museums can be participated self-determined entities that prioritize what is valuable and meaningful to their respective communities.

By documenting and celebrating the diverse narratives that shape our community, the Kilburn Museum Lab seeks to engage the community actively, fostering understanding and appreciation for our cultural, ethnic, and socioeconomic diversity, and sharing the myriads of hidden stories that contribute to shaping our collective sense of place.

The Kilburn Museum is a cultural space with a strong community focus, dedicated to positively influencing Kilburn’s social fabric. It serves as an agent for change to empower collective ownership of cultural heritage and shape future outcomes.

The museum is a work in progress, devoid of a fixed plan or plot, evolving with the collective vision of its community.

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partners & friends
>Camden Kilburn Library
>Paprika Collective
>Local Studies and Archives Centre
>One Kilburn

︎︎︎ SHAPE Involve and Engage: unearthing the people’s history of Kilburn
︎︎︎Interior Architecture students explore Kilburn’s hidden stories in latest phase of innovative community and Middlesex University project

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Paul Cobley
Middlesex University

The Kilburn Museum Lab represents the integrating themes of Middlesex University: inclusivity, equity, enriching lives through culture and sustaining communities.

It offers the opportunity to truly make the museum experience a diverse one, even while being avowedly local in its orientation. Supported by a British Academy SHAPE Involve and Engage award, as well as by Middlesex University, and led by the Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries’ Dr. Francesca Murialdo and colleagues, the project’s catalogue documents a unique scheme to bring to light hitherto unexhibited exemplars of the area’s diverse heritage. Looking forward, while also looking back, the project has embraced the breadth of artefacts and narratives that make up the material culture of Kilburn, in turn strengthening the dimension of community which derives from shared – and sometimes previously unshared – objects. In this way, the project incorporates research, facilitating the excavation of unconsidered trifles to reveal their importance – a common practice of museums. Yet it also draws its impetus from exchange of knowledge, simultaneously allowing communion through sharing while interrupting stories and objects that might have been taken for granted. This catalogue of the Kilburn Museum Lab project promises to influence, for some years to come, not only the understanding of what Kilburn’s artefacts entail, but also how museums can harness the diversity of their communities for the future.

illustration © Iwona Porebska

Prof. Paul Cobley is Deputy Dean, Research & Knowledge Exchange
Faculty of Arts and Creative Industries
Middlesex University,

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